
News Items

Concert Postponement

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Good morning all!

Some bad news for you this morning unfortunately…

With the Welsh Government restrictions coming into force – I have made the difficult decision to postpone my show on the 15th of January.

Whilst I was really looking forward to perform for you all, it is not possible to do the show under current restrictions and I believe that the health and safety of all who were meant to attend is the most important thing at this current time!

I am terribly sorry!

BUT, the show has been rescheduled for Friday March 18th 2022! I hope you’ll be able to join me then, because it will be a fantastic evening!!

The venue will be in touch over email to confirm the changes!

P.S keep your eyes peeled on my social media pages later on today for some exciting news!!

Ohhhhh, and a Merry Christmas to you all!!!